I'm Chien-Chih Hsu

A listener, thinker, and action taker

2017 Summer Design Intern at Bron van Doen
2016 Summer Design Intern at 5% Design Action

Listen to people thoroughly.

I am the one who likes to listen, listen to the world, listen to people. As for understanding the world, I have a habit of feeding myself from Medium, anything interesting on the Internet saved to Pocket, and books as well. Not only design do I pay attention a lot, but I also have keen interests in technology and business. Cutting-edge technology and innovative business models always serve as inspiration to design. Regarding people, I listen to users soundly during the research phase to fully understand their needs. When teamwork, I care about the overall atmosphere a lot, and help to build the solidarity among the team.

Think beyond the given situation.

Fascinated by the way philosophers take things in, I enjoy asking the true reasons and meanings behind the phenomena. While in the fuzzy front end of design, I find it important to think like a philosopher and approach the solutions in a strategic and logical way.

Take action and make design counts.

Having an entrepreneurial personality , I feel that design counts only when it is executed. It is the moment I bring design to life that thrills me the most. To accomplish that, I take care of details to an extent of pixel level, and currently learn to code, trying to make ideas work on my own. Though only with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript now, I’ll work further due to the fulfillment of seeing my ideas work.